Wardrobe Upgrade- Keep it Simple

Like I touched on in my last post,  I’ve been wanting to switch up my style a bit. I don’t know if it’s getting older or moving to new place, but I’ve had a recent desire to completely overhaul my wardrobe. Over the last year or so I realized that though the clothes I have are great, I have a big chunk that are just ok. They’re not great quality, they’re not versatile, they don’t showcase my current style to the fullest, and they certainly don’t “Spark Joy”. So this year I’m looking to really take stock of my wardrobe and transform it into something that serves my current style.

Capsule Inspired

For the the past few years I’ve been really inspired by capsule wardrobes. As someone that constantly reaches for the same few outfits every season, it seems reasonable to have a smaller closet full of high quality versatile items. While I don’t plan on curating my own capsule, I do want to incorporate some of the basic capsule tenets into my wardrobe. Mainly quality over quantity, having more versatile quality basics/ pieces,  and having a wardrobe full of pieces that you love and wear. While I’m not going to completely purge my wardrobe, I do want to continue to eliminate items in my closet that I don’t love as I transition quality/ more thoughtfully acquired items into it.

The Vision

So what’s the style you’re going for? you might ask. Well I’ve come to the realization that the outfits and styles I’m drawn to the most are simple classic pieces with a little funk/retro/vintage/edgy flare. As I get older I’ve realized I want a slightly more sophisticated wardrobe, but also one that has fun and isn’t afraid to mix in trends. The problem is that my wardrobe lacks some good quality basics. These basics are an important part of any wardrobe but especially one that you want to curate around chic simplicity. Needless to say this is going to be a long ongoing process, but I hope to have a more curated and easier to navigate wardrobe in the end.


What Now?

So now that I have a basic idea of where I want to take my wardrobe the first thing I need to do is invest in some quality basics. Basics are the building blocks with which I hope to build my new wardrobe. My plan is to go through my closet and take inventory of what basics I already have, what basics I’m missing, and which pieces I need to replace. Then I’ll have a a good list of the pieces I want to acquire. All of that will be coming up in a future blog post, so keep an eye out for that one!