I LOVE GOLD! Necklaces

You ever go through phases where you’re completely obsessed with something? Well lately for me that something is gold necklaces. Ever since I officially entered my thirties two years ago I’ve had a strong desire to amp up my personal style. To make it more simple, chic, and curated. I’ve been searching for more quality basic pieces and trying to build a smaller wardrobe with a bigger impact. A wardrobe with the tenants of a capsule but not necessarily the size. In doing so I’ve realized the importance of accessories. I’m learning that it’s the little details that can really elevate a simple look from basic to chic. While I love a good statement piece I already have good amount of those and lately have been drawn to simple dainty jewelry. Subtle pieces that don’t necessarily yell “LOOK AT ME!” but still add interest and glamour to an outfit. The number one thing I’ve been drawn to in the this quest is the elegant, dainty, gold necklace.

Here are some of the gold necklaces I’ve been coveting for the past few months:

|1. Sewit Sium Neffertiti gold necklace| 2. Sewit Sium Radiant Gold Black Power Fist necklace | 3. Mejuri Oval Necklace |4. Moon Necklace | 5. Saha Samuel Jewelry Lia locket| 6. Bracha Initial Pendant | 7. BP. Bar Charm Necklace | 8. Target Wild Fable Heart Pendant | 9. Uncommon James Crescent Gold necklace |