Things I Didn’t Buy at the Thrift Store

I haven’t done a “Things I didn’t buy” post for so long! It’s mostly because I’ve started posting a lot of those things on my instagram, so if you want to see these things in “real time” go follow me on insta (@blackcatlies). Anyway here are 10 recent items I didn’t buy at the thrift store, including more than a few regrets.

1. Wicker Chairs

I fell in love with chairs like these when I was watching the movie Arrival a few years ago. Amy Adams’ character had a gorgeous Mid Century-ish house and I found myself drooling over her dining room table and chairs. The chairs in the movie looked a lot like these bad boys that I found at Goodwill last year. Sadly, when I spotted these we had already bought a dining table and chairs. We didn’t need them so at the thrift store they stayed.

2. Leather Pillows

As you know I’ve been on the hunt for some cute decorative pillows to add some pops of color to my living room. I was really into these leather pillows and they were only $5. Unfortunately, I spotted them on a sale day and the checkout line literally wrapped around the store. I didn’t like them enough to wait in that long of a line. So, I left and thought if they’re still there the next time I visit I’ll take them home. Of course they weren’t there when I returned a few days later.

3. Mid Century Modern Style Chair

This one I wouldn’t have left behind but it was already sold when I spotted it. I love these style chairs but we don’t really have room or need any excess chairs. Plus this bad boy was like $250, I kid you not. Seattle area thrift stores have some great stuff but they also have HIGH prices. I didn’t have $250 to spend on a chair I didn’t need, so I’m honestly glad it was already sold. She’s a beaut though.

4. Gold Side Table

This is another piece I just have no need / room for in my home. But, I do think it’s very cute. If I had a bigger space I totally would have scooped it up.

5. Rattan Purse

This vintage rattan purse I actually spotted at the Fremont Sunday market. I really love it and it’s very on trend as rattan/ wicker has had a big moment in fashion accessories lately. This purse would be so adorable paired with a summer dress. But, I knew I wouldn’t really use it that much and it wasn’t cheap enough to justify a purchase. So, I left it for some other fashionista to pick up.

6. Gray Vintage Winter Coat

I really regret not buying this coat. I was really into this coat and it fit me. So why didn’t I buy it? I honestly don’t even remember. I think it was a tad tight. I try to buy things that fit me as I am when I try them on and that are flattering. So the fact that it didn’t fit impeccably probably lead me to leave it. But sometimes you gotta go against your own rules and get it anyway. I tried the coat on in 2017 and it still haunts me to this day. It’s definitely one that got away. But, the good thing about thrifting is there’s always a chance you’ll find something bigger and better in the future.

7. Rattan Shelving Unit

I never realistically considered this piece but I think it has such potential. Rattan/ Wicker furniture and home decor are huge now and this is a pretty cool piece. I could totally picture it in someones insta perfect boho living room.

8. Hudson Bay Blanket

I’ve been searching for a vintage blanket like this for a long time. But this blanket wasn’t in the color-way I was looking for and it had a big ole cigarette burn on it. So I left it hoping i’d get lucky again some other day and find the perfect one.

9. Teal Plaid Blazer

This one is another regret, how did I not get this? I loved this blazer but it didn’t fit me perfectly. It fit pretty well, as you can see, but it didn’t button. I try not to buy any coats/blazers that don’t button. I like to have the option and with coats especially I know I’m going to want to button them at some point. But the likelihood of me ever buttoning this blazer is very low, so I should have thrown caution to the wind and scooped it up anyway. Every rule needs exceptions, right? Sadly, I left it and immediately regretted it. I went back a day or so later to see if it was there, but it was gone. Ah well, another one slips though the cracks.

10. Egg Cup

Do I need an egg cup? No. So, obviously, I left this guy at the thrift store. But, I am very smitten with the pattern and colors of this piece. I took a picture of it with the hope that I could google and find other matching dishes online. I haven’t been able to to dig up any info on the pattern yet, but if you recognize it please let me know in the comments!